
与泰克代表实时聊天。 工作时间:上午 9:00 - 下午 5:00(太平洋标准时间)。








Our Growing Python Toolkit

Python is simple, versatile and has a rich ecosystem of libraries. Its intuitive syntax enables easy and effective test automation and data analysis. Combine Python with our growing ecosystem of Python tools to unlock higher productivity and innovation in your testing process.

With tm_devices you can automate using Python functions with minimal SCPI. A reduction of almost 90%!

TekHSI maximizes transfer speeds from oscilloscope to PC. Our Python library, TekHSI, can be integrated directly into your own Python code, replacing SCPI with modern asynchronous code, and faster transfer rates than VISA based methods.

tm_data_types library resolves the headaches of waveform file manipulation. You can stop worrying about bytes and headers and get to your analysis faster.

Python Packages

Develop Faster with tm_devices

tm_devices allows you to write syntax-checked, code-completed automation virtually error free. Skip the hassles of PyVISA Configuration when tm_devices has been pre-configured for all of our instruments out of the box.

Use the tm_devices Python driver package to enjoy:

  • Faster development with auto-completion and code suggestions.
  • Seamless integration when you add the Python driver package to your existing automation framework.
  • Benefits from an active community constantly developing new tools and solutions.

Review the current list of supported instruments, including Tektronix 5 and 6 Series MSO oscilloscopes and several other Tektronix oscilloscopes, many Keithley SMU instruments and the DPOJET application. An expanding number of test device categories are planned for future releases.

Get Instant Results with TekHSI Python Library

HSI moves data from oscilloscopes to PC at significantly faster speeds compared to VXI-11 ethernet (VISA) connections. When enabled, your oscilloscope hosts itself as a high-speed interface server allowing remote clients (PCs) to connect seamlessly.

In addition to working with TekScope PC, we have a Python package, TekHSI, that allows you to integrate this superspeed solution right into your existing Python automation.

Two 4 Series B Oscilloscopes sending data to TekScope PC via TekHSI. TekScope PC using multiscope capability to display signals from both oscilloscopes at once.

Learn More:

Learn more about HSI

tm_data_types Python Package analyzing waveform data

Focus on Waveform Analysis with tm_data_types Coming Soon!

Check out the early access tm_data_types package with Python containers for AnalogWaveforms, DigitalWaveforms, and even IQWaveforms. It also has simple methods to read and write waveform files directly.

Try out tm_data_types today and let us know how we can make it better.


Serie 2 MDO Mixed-Domain-Oszilloskop

2 系列 MSO 便携式混合信号示波器

选择我们紧凑便携的手持示波器,在不降低性能的情况下为您的工作台腾出更多空间。2 系列 MSO 示波器的厚度只有 1.5 英寸(3.8 厘米),重量不到 4 磅(1.8 千克),外观就像平板电脑一样,却是一款功能齐全的实时触摸屏示波器。无论您的测量挑战要求您前往何处(工作台、教室或者测试现场),都可轻松携带它。  
4 Series MSO Mixed Signal oscilloscope

4 系列 B MSO 混合信号示波器

4 系列 B MSO 是一台混合信号示波器,具有高达 1.5 GHz 的带宽、高清触摸显示屏、串行解码、数字输入、频率和电源分析功能

5 series B MSO - MSO58B

5 系列 B MSO 混合信号示波器

5 系列 MSO 混合信号示波器带有高清触摸屏显示器、高达 8 条输入通道、12 位模拟到数字转化器以及高达 2 GHz 的带宽。

5 Series MSO Mixed Signal oscilloscope low profile oscilloscope

5 系列紧凑型 MSO

  • 8 条模拟/频谱通道或 64 条数字通道
  • 6.25 GS/s 采样率
  • 1 GHz 带宽
  • 仅限封闭的嵌入式操作系统
  • 支持探头
  • 50 Ohm 和 1 MOhm 输入
6 Series B MSO Mixed Signal oscilloscope

6 系列 MSO 混合信号示波器:多通道、相位相干时间和频率分析

将泰克实时信号分析仪 (RSTA) 的分析引擎与泰克示波器相结合,可轻松表征宽带射频信号。

  • 同时分析多达8个相位相干、2 GHz宽的通道
  • 利用跨域分析、精确触发和独立通道控制来分析复杂情况
  • 利用标记、基于通道的颜色和显示排列功能,比较随时间变化的频率、振幅或相位
  • 利用可选的高级脉冲分析包(包括 31 种自动脉冲参数测量和统计),深入了解电子作战系统的多通道雷达情况
6 Series low profile digitizer

6 系列紧凑型数字化仪

  • 4 条模拟/频谱通道
  • 25 GS/s 采样率
  • 1 GHz 至 8 GHz 带宽(可升级)
  • 选件 2 GHz 射频硬件数字下变频器
  • 封闭的嵌入式操作系统或 Windows 10 操作系统
  • 高达 1 G 点记录长度


Product Demo

Connect to an Oscilloscope Using tm_devices

This short video shows how to use tm_devices, Tektronix’s open source Python driver package, to connect to a 5 Series …
Product Features

Tektronix tm_devices V1.4 - What's New

This video discusses what's new in V1.4 of tm_devices - the Tektronix device management package that enables better …


许多行业的工程师都使用自动化来扩展其测试仪器的功 能,而大多是选择免费的编程语言——Python 来完成。 作为适用于自动化的主要编程语言,Python 具备许多显 著优势: 多功能性 易于教学 代码可读性 …

Test Automation and Python Programming

Learn how to run your first Python script and get tips for putting your code to work smoothly.

Getting Started with Oscilloscope Automation and Python

Get started programming oscilloscopes in Python, including the basics of programmatic interfaces, and how to download …